This is where you will find all my Conquest/Starion info, parts, and decals. More too come so check back soon!
This picture is just to show the font of the reproduction decals. Both of these come in the complete set.The crispness
leaves a lot to be desired in the picture, but thats the best I could get from my old scanner.
These decals are available in all the stock colors.They come with a clear background just like the originals.So when you
apply them on your car, the paint color will fill in on the inside of the letters just like the originals.I can also do custom
colors, fonts, and custom types of vinyl such as reflective,chrome,and metallics.The cost is more and it will take longer
to get them to you.

Sample decals.Actual decals have crisper detail. |

ITEM # |
PART # |
1 |
CA-0010W |
*Complete set(5) decals for Conquest-White |
$149.95 |
2 |
CA-0010B |
*Complete set(5) decals for Conquest-Black |
$149.95 |
3 |
CA-0010S |
*Complete set(5) decals for Conquest-Silver |
$149.95 |
4 |
CA-0010O |
*Complete set(5) decals for Conquest-Orange |
$149.95 |
5 |
CA-0011 |
**1 pair "INTERCOOLED TURBO" decals |
$19.95 |
6 |
CA-0012 |
***(1)Large "STARQUEST" decal |
$74.95 |
7 |
CA-0013 |
****(1)Large "STARQUEST" windshield decal |
$54.95 |
Coming Soon
8 |
CA-0014 |
*****(1)Set "ESi R" decals for Starion |
$74.95 |
9 |
CA-0015 |
******(1)Cowl Induction Style Hood |
Available Soon! |
* A complete set of decals includes;
(1)small "conquest" decal for front header panel.
(2)small "TSi" decal for front fenders.
(1)small "imported by chrysler" decal for rear hatch.
(1)large "conquest TSi" decal for rear hatch.
** Set includes;
(2)"intercooled turbo" decals.These are for the rocker panel below the doors.They are large enough to fill
this space in both height and length.
*** This decal replaces all the stock decals on the rear hatch below the spoiler.Available in all stock colors and can be
substituted for the "conquest Tsi" decal when ordering a full set.
**** Coming Soon!
***** For the Starion guys.Set includes 1 large decal for the rear hatch and two small decals for the front fenders.Available
in all stock colors.The "R" is solid red on all decals sets unless you have a red car, then it will be just outlined
like the rest of the letters.
******Available Soon! This is an all steel cowl induction style hood made from a hood you supply.It is raised approx. 3"
in the rear and will have a mounting area for 4 gauges turned at an angle towards the driver.These will be non-functional
cowl induction for now, but will eventually be functional.

Please allow 10-14 days to recieve your order.These are shipped USPS Priority Mail. If you prefer to order with a check/money
order, please email us for instructions.